
2023/24 Upper Deck Series 2 Hockey Tin (Box)

Every Box contains One 3-Card Tin-Exclusive Dazzler Pack & At Least Three Young Guns!

Refresher on the Refresh! We made some exciting changes to the Upper Deck Series and the Tin specifically, to deliver an even more compelling collecting experience! The changes:
– Four (4) more cards per pack!
– An improved insert-to-base card ratio in each pack. Each pack now contains three (3) inserts, on average.
– At least one (1) more regular Young Guns card per Tin! Each tin now contains at least three (3) of the highly sought-after and iconic rookie cards.
– The introduction of a stunning base set parallel, which also means more Young Guns cards to chase!
– A bonus pack containing three (3) Tin-exclusive Dazzlers cards. Most bonus packs will contains three (3) Orange Dazzlers. Select packs will see one of the Orange versions replaced by either a Red version or a Black version!